7 August 2004 - Tanagai church wreath laying
between Cape Esperance and Savo Island
Bill and John with flag at Gavutu
WW2 Ordnance detonated
coast - Kumum to Kokumbona
Gifu - Japanese shell cases
Gifu - relic table bottles
Marine memorial at Tanagai church
Gifu - grenades 1
Gifu - grenades 2
Bonegi beach relics
Cape Esperance from Ironbottom Sound
Japanese flag on Gavutu
Gifu - gun tins from Seahorse battle area
Gifu table - lower shelf items
Pete with Gifu relics
Henderson airport plaque
Gavutu - listening to LST 342 vet Mac Mackay
Gifu table helmets
Japanese 13mm case on Hill 281 at Tulagi

looking at Sols Museum weapons
Pullers "the ravine" area behind Pt Cruz
in the jungle near Edsons Ridge
relics at Honiara market
relics at Honiara market 2
Vilu - TBF wing with early star insignia
Nambu MG really rotted
Nambu MGs in good condition
Kokumbona bridge
Kokumbona river ford
Gifu - Jap and US helmets
Vilu - wing from Betty 377
Japanese tank turrets off Matanikau sandbar
Tulagi - Jap position on Hill 281
Savo Island & Douglas Munro MOH action area
Transport KYUSYU MARU wreckage
Lunga lagoon area
Pete at Nissen hut near Edsons Ridge
Betikama - Jap MG

Betikama - P400 cockpit
Betikama - P400 fighter and SBD engine
Betikama - US 75mm gun
Betikama - Wildcat fighter prop
Bonegi river palm groves
Coastline aerial - Kukum to Kokumbona
Cruising nearTulagi with essential supplies
Foxhole on Hill 66
Gaomi island off Gavutu - Jap seaplane base
Gavutu - US fuel tank
Gifu - inside of Japanese helmet
Gifu - rear slope of Hill 27 - US aid post in trees
Gifu - US 37mm ammo tin lids on Hill 27
Henderson - Jap 75mm AA gun out front
Ilu river memorial looking towards sandbar
Japanese Zero prop at Henderson terminal building
Henderson - looking towards old Jap hangar area
LST 342 at Tulagi
Lunga car wash - the tradition continues!
Lunga car wash sign *
(* ADF = Aust Defence Force  PPF= Participating Police Forces)

M3 "grease gun" at Museum
Marine plant holder in Honiara
Pete at Sgt Bob Brock's Ordnance camp area
Pete looking across Henderson Field
Savo island from Ironbottom Sound
Savo island from Pt Cruz beach
storm over Florida Islands
trail up Hill 281 on Tulagi
Tulagi - USN vet Mac Mackay views his LST
Tulagi - the cricket pitch area
Tulagi harbour - Hill 281
Gavutu - US 75mm ammo tin lids on Hill 148
view of Matanikau valley from Hill 66
Vilu - Japanese light AA gun mount (?)
Vilu - Japanese tank turret hits
Vilu - P400 cockpit area
Vilu - US flagpole (said to be from Henderson)
Vilu - US Wildcat fighter engine, right side
Vilu - Wildcat wing still folds!
Vilu - Corsair fighter wreck

Vouza memorial at Rove Police Station
Jap 13mm MG at Sols museum
US soluble coffee ration tin from Gifu
US ration tin lids from Hill 27 foxholes
Japanese helmet star with pieces of cloth helmet cover
Japanese mess tin equipment - spice holder
Japanese glass bottles
interiors of Jap helmets
(left - helmet from THIN RED LINE, right - helmet from SEAHORSE)
Gifu table - more for sale
Lunga Beach - Aussie troops go for a walk
Gifu - rear of Hill 27
Gifu area from Hill 66
Gifu table ammunition
Gifu village relics table 1
Gifu village relics table 2
Henderson - Japanese 75mm gun left side view
Henderson - looking west to Mt Austen
Henderson - taxiing to takeoff (1943 control tower far right)
Henderson - looking west from runway fence near ilu river
Honiara market stand bargains

Ilu sandbar looking to west bank
Kukum beach - looking towards Cape Esperance
Kukum beach - looking towards Cape Esperance 2
Kukum beach wreck
Kukum beach wreck 2/cyclone victim 1998
looking towards Cape Esperance from Hill 66
looking towards Lunga Point and Kukum
Lunga River behind Henderson 1
Lunga River behind Henderson 2
Lunga River behind Henderson 3
Lunga River near Edsons Ridge
Lunga River old bridge remains
Honiara market WW 2 Coke bottles
looking east towards Matanikau sandbar
looking east towards Matanikau sandbar 2
Memorial park next to Henderson Field
Militant weapons in Solomons Museum
Pete walking up rear of Hill 27 at Gifu
Pete and Bill at Purvis Bay, Tulagi
Pete climbing Hill 148 at Gavutu

Hiking at Edsons Ridge
shooting video on Mt Austen
Showing kids at Matanikau photos of the Jap tanks
Dock at Purvis Bay,Tulagi
Skyline Ridge memorial US flag
USN hut near Purvis Bay
Skyline Ridge memorial from Hill 66
Vilu - Wildcat engine left side
7 Aug 2004 - Aust troops and Police at US memorial
7 Aug 2004 - Aust troop security at US memorial
7 Aug 2004 - group photo at US memorial
7 Aug 2004 - historian John Innes with Aust troop commander
7 Aug 2004 - Solomons Police band at US memorial service
7 Aug 2004 - Solomon Islands veteran lays wreath
7 Aug 2004 - Sols vets lay wreath at Vouza memorial
veteran Bruno (on right) saved US fighter pilot Pug Sutherland after his Wildcat
was shot down on 7 Aug 42 by Japanese ace Saburo Sakai
7 Aug 2004 - wreaths at US memorial
approaching Tulagi
approaching Tulagi 2
at the Lunga river near Edsons ridge
Australian Air Force transport flying over ilu river

Australian Police at Henderson
walking on the Tulagi coastal road near Hill 281
Edsons ridge foxhole
Edsons ridge "then and now" photo
Bonegi river
Bonegi beach sales
Edsons ridge - looking to "Briggs outpost" area
Edsons ridge - looking towards the lagoon and Lunga river
Edsons ridge foxhole 2
Gifu relics table pistol and tin
Gifu relics table - Japanese bayonet
Gifu relics table - Japanese gunsight
Goettge patrol area
Ilu river memorial on west bank beach
Purvis bay dock, Tulagi area
wreck off Lunga Point (no, its not the "ALCHIBA"!)
on the beach at Tulagi
over Red Beach
over Red Beach 2
Pepsi-Cola bottles 1945

Pete at the Lunga below Edsons Ridge
on Edsons ridge
taking photo of Museum weapons
at Gavutu harbour
pier area on Tanambogo
Savo island from Kukum
THIN RED LINE from Hill 27
tour group landing at Purvis Bay
Tulagi - Blue beach
Tulagi- Hill 281 from the cricket pitch
Tulagi - Purvis Bay
Tulagi - view from Hill 281
Tulagi harbour - half sunk ship
Tulagi - USN plaque at Purvis Bay
Tulagi - USN plaque at Purvis Bay 2
Vandergrift CP area near Edsons Ridge
Bill at Edsons ridge "then and now" pic
Bonegi river bridge
Bonegi river bridge sign - made in Japan
driving on Wright Rd on Mt Austen

Gavutu - track down Hill 148
Gavutu - US water tank on Hill 148
Gavutu dolphin pens near harbour
Gavutu dolphin pens near harbour 2
Guadalcanal coastline looking towards Lunga/Kukum
Honiara T shirt
Kukum beach looking north to Lunga Pt
looking towards Pagoda Hill from Henderson (tallest tree)
Mt Austen from Edsons ridge
on the Tulagi coastal road
Pete and Willie on Hill 27 at Gifu
crossing Ilu sandbar to the west bank
looking at KYUSYU MARU wreckade at Doma
walking back up Edsons ridge from the lagoon area
Pt Cruz from seaward
Tulagi - offshore about to land
Gaomi island off Gavutu
Pete in foxhole on Hill 66
Japanese 13mm gun mount on Hill 281 at Tulagi
Tulagi area

Gifu - trail to village and battle area
Hill 27 battleground at Gifu
walking across Gavutu
Vilu museum shot up sign
Vilu - Corsair No 16
US flag at Henderson
Tulagi - the cut
US 75mm shell case lid on Hill 48 at Gavutu
Matanikau beach home boys
Japanese helmet with bullet holes
Gifu hills from offshore
Gifu relics table assorted stuff
Ilu river west bank beach looking west to Lunga
Guadalcanal souvenirs
Guadalcanal bullets
Canal Jap relics
Canal relics box
Canal US and Jap relics
Canal US water bottles
Japanese Zero bits, Cape Esperance

we can rebuild it! (well,maybe not..)
coastline aerial - Kukum to Savo
Gifu - relics table owner
Alligator creek sandbar
Peter and Bill on Edsons Ridge
Peter and Bill on Edsons Ridge 2
Gifu table - Japanese mess kit items
ships docked at Hill 281 Tulagi
Hill 281 Tulagi - area of Halsey "KILL JAPS" sign
coast - Kukum to White River
A sign of the times
Tulagi harbour shipping (sailors, man your scrappers?)
Henderson - 1943 tower
Ilu river US memorial pillar, west bank
Ilu sandbar east bank grove
Japanese 150mm gun near Pt Cruz
King Solomon hotel pool (after a hard day at the "front"..)
Lunga beach USN wood pier remains
Lunga beach USN wood pier remains 2
Matanikau area US Nissen huts

US Marine memorial at Tanagai church near Kokumbona
matching wartime photo on Edsons Ridge
Point Cruz Yacht club
Point Cruz Yacht club view of Savo (pass me another Coke)
prepare to land near Pt Cruz (where is Douglas Munro?)
taking photo from Ilu east bank looking towards Red Beach
cleaning Gifu relics
hiking to the Lunga from Edsons Ridge
Lunga Beach palm grove
takeoff from Henderson
Lunga lagoon 2
Bonegi beach
Kinugawa Maru wreck
Kinugawa Maru wreck 2
Kinugawa Maru wreck 3
Kinugawa Maru and US pier remains
Kinugawa Maru US pier remains 2
Lunga river car wash
Lunga beach US pier remains
Lunga Point from Hill 84 overlooking Pt Cruz

Road behind Henderson looking W towards the Lunga
Road near Bonegi river
Betel nut sign
Vern was here 1945 comparison 1
Vern was here 1945 comparison 2
Vilu - Japanese gun marking
Vilu - Japanese tank turret
Purvis Bay Tulagi
Savo and Cape Esperance from Irombottom Sound
Savo and Cape Esperance 2
Savo island from hotel room
Savo from Skyline Ride memorial
Skyline Ridge memorial 1
Skyline Ridge memorial 2
Skyline ridge memorial map
Skyline Ridge memorial plaque
steps up Hill 281 on Tulagi
Tanagai Church near Kokumbona
2 US Marines buried here - killed Aug 27 1942
offshore at Tulagi wharves
Tulagi - view west from Hill 281

US Nissen hut near Purvis Bay
Matanikau - Japanese tank turret
Matanikau - Japanese tank turret 2
Matanikau - tank turrets near sandbar
11th Marines artillery positions near Edsons Ridge
airfield Marston matting - Pagoda hill area
Henderson field looking S/E from old control tower
Henderson field looking S/W from old control tower
Henderson field from 1943 tower
Hill 281 Tulagi view of Purvis Bay
Hill 281 Tulagi - Japanese 13mm MG mount on summit
Japanese foxholes on Hill 281 Tulagi
Japanese AA gun mount on Hill 281 Tulagi
Japanese trenches on Hill 281 overlooking Tulagi cricket ground
Japanese gun position on Hill 281 Tulagi
Henderson field monument pillar and grove of honour
Pagoda Hill radio tunnel entrance
site of Pagoda flight ops hut on Pagoda Hill
Henderson tower air raid shelter entrance
Tulagi beach view

Vilu - Corsair wing with .50 cal MG
Vilu - strafing hits on Jap 75mm gun from transport ship
Vilu - inside SBD fuselage
Vilu - Japanese 75mm gun from transport ship
Vilu - jerricans and mess tins
Vilu - Kingfisher floatplane
Vilu - burnt out P38 cockpit area
Vilu - P400 nose (shot down October 1942)
Vilu - P400 remains
Vilu - wing and Corsair mid section
Vilu - P38 wreck
Hill 281 harbour view Tulagi
Tulagi - the cut (sealed Japaese in caves here)
View towards Henderson Field from Pagoda Hill
wartime control tower - Henderson Field
Cape Esperance from Hill 66
Cape Esperance from Matanikau
Florida islands from Pt Cruz - morning
harbour mist, Pt Cruz
Red Beach

Japanese 150mm gun near National Museum
Kamimbo Bay near Cape Esperance (Jap evacuation point)
Kamimbo Bay - Japanese 70mm gun and evacuatio memorial
Kamimbo Bay evacuation beach
Kamimbo Bay Jap evacuation memorial
Kamimbo Bay and Savo Island
Koli Point airstrip
Red Beach and Savo Island
Savo Island in the morning
wrecked amtracs at Tetere beach
wreck of KINUGAWA MARU near Bonegi River

click for larger pic
click for larger picture