Albert Stoltzman served as a medic in the US Army 25th Infantry Division on Guadalcanal, Munda and Luzon and took these photos with his personal camera. Photos courtesy of Doug Stoltzman.
Albert Stolzmann on Guadalcanalflood damage after monsoon rainsAmtracs on the beach at LungaKINUGAWA MARU at Bonegi beachAnother photo of KINUGAWA MARU "the most photographed ship in the world"Guadalcanal barberwrecked Japanese barges on the beach - Tassafaronga/Bonegitroops bathing after a month at Hill 27 on Mt Austen"Highway 1" on GuadalcanalGuadalcanal roadSupplies on the beach near fighter strip 2 at Kukumdead Japanese in the jungle near Hill 27 on Mt Austenbuilding fighter strip 2building fighter strip 2fishingfootbridge over river (Lunga?)gambling daygambling dayMt Austen casualty - rolled jeep off Wright Roadabandoned Japanese gun near KokumbonaJapanese landing boat at Bonegi beachstarving Japanese prisoners captured after the last Banzai charge at Hill 27/GIFUJungle cemetary near Hill 27. The bodies were later buried at the Lunga cemetary and repatriated to the USA in 1947.captured photo of Japanese soldier Manzo Yamada, killed on Hill 27captured dogtags of Japanese soldier Manzo Yamada, killed on Hill 27pack horses for the Mountain artillerysalvaging destroyer KIKUTSUKI at Florida IslandCanal showerCanal theatre seatingtrucks on Wright RoadWright Road to Hill 27wrecked Japanese gun limberwash daywash daynatives at Kokumbonacomedien Joe E. Browndestroyer KIKUTSUKI 1943-2006KINUGAW MARU  1943-2004Amtracs at Lunga 1942-2008Hill 27 casualtytrail up Wright Roadtrucks on Wright Roadanother snap of KINUGAWA MARY at Bonegi beachwreck of troopship HIROKAWA MARU near BoegiGuadalcanal cemetaryGuadalcanal cemetaryready to leave Guadalcanal for New Zealandon board ship after leaving GuadalcanalJapanese soldierJapanese soldierview from Hill 66 north towards the Bayblowing up the hulls of Japanese tanks on the Matanikau sandbarblown Japanese tank hulls on Matanikau sandbar.The beach in the background was where the Goettge patrol landed on Aug 12th 1942.Japanese snipers coatblowing Japanese landmines at Matanikau beachlooking towards Hill 66Japanese soldier. Note holed US helmet on the ground.Marine at work. Note captured Japanese rifle.native scoutnative scouts
2000 lb bomb crateraircraft wreckagecaptured Japanese AA gunscaptured photo 1captured photo 2wrecked Japanese Zerocooks and bakersengineers road buildingJapanese foxhole. sniper shot out of tree behind it.wrecked Japanese aircraftJapanese Betty bomberJapanese sheltersmanually unloading supplieson New Georgiaroad buildingmore wrecked Japanese planescaptured Japanese bombs at Mundadestroyer off Mundacaptured Japanese 75mm AA gunJapanese bomberJapanese fighterbuddiesNew Georgia cemetarypayday after 7 months!washingRendova native canoe meets rubber raftboatingdrill on New Georgianative fishing
Albert in New Caledonialook, we caught a shark in NC!Resting after hike in NCvolleyball in NCNC sceneryNC scenerydeer in camp in NCAuckland docks, New Zealandcracking a keg in NZQueen St, AucklandNew Zealand R & Rat the racesat the racesNZ Army band at dockshi honey
DEAD JAPANESE SOLDIERWRECKED VILLAGENO PLUNDERING SIGN IN VILLAGECROSSING PONTOON BRIDGEALBERT WITH KNOCKED OUT JAPANESE TANKSHOT DOWN US FIGHTERANOTHER KNOCKED OUT JAPANESE TANKDEAD JAPANESE SOLDIERALBERT WITH VILLAGE WOMENKNOCKED OUT JAPANESE ARMOURED COLUMNDUG IN JAPANESE TANKJapanese flag souvenirscaptured tanks after the battle of Lupaocaptured tanksFilipinos celebrate liberationFilipino farmersanother burnt out Japanese tank at Lupaoinspecting a downed Japanese Zero fighterwaiting for a road block to be clearedbridge blown by retreating Japanesetrying the local wineFilipino nurseslight aircraft evacuating woundedevacuating the woundedsouvenir Japanese flaginspecting a knocked out tankknocked out Japanese vehicles in village25th Division ambulancescave full of Japanese ammunitioncave site after the Japanese ammo was blown upoperating theatre in shot up churchoperating theatre in churchsurgeons about to amputate the gangrenous lower left leg of a captured Japanese soldier20 minutes later. Surgeons bandage leg of Japanese soldier after amputation.captured Arisaka riflesbattle sketch 1battle sketch 2battle sketch 3battle sketch 4blown up bridgeUS plane shot down by Japanesesouvenir Japanese flagroad to Balete Passsouvenir Japanese pistol and swordat the summit of Balete Passaid station at Balete PassFilipinos carrying supplies to the frontpriest holding service for an aviator behind the aid stationdestroyed building Balete areawreckage in Balete areaBugio - Balete road